Weekend Give Away: 5 Pairs of Shoemint Shoes
Weekend Give Away: 5 Pairs of Shoemint Shoes

It's the weekend! After the past couple of crazy weeks, I am welcoming the chance to sneak out for a date night with Michael. Plus, I've been dying to wear these new flats from Shoemint (the shoe company that Rachel Bilson works with!). I love the bows, and burgundy is totally the hot color for fall…

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The Playhouse
The Playhouse

One of the homes we lived in when I was a kid had an awesome tree house in the yard. I played there with my brothers and sisters and friends for hours and hours every day. I have some seriously fond memories of that tree house and I've always dreamed of giving my girls a similar place to create memo…

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Fig trees, Mums and Boxwoods
Fig trees, Mums and Boxwoods

I thought it would be hard to find plants that I like this time of year, but I'm learning there are all sorts of pretty plants available right now. And so many great prices!I've always appreciated big bouquets of carnations and huge orbs of mums. They are not particularly impressive flowers on their…

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Limiting Your Medium
Limiting Your Medium

I started the draft for this post a while ago and never got around to posting it. Before I got sick we pumped out a lot of yard projects (photos to come!), and I had this post in the back of my mind when I made some of the plant choices. Here's the old post...Someone commented here to remind me abou…

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Resep Membuat Donat Sederhana
Resep Membuat Donat Sederhana

Resep Membuat Donat Sederhana - Donat adalah salah jenis kue yang sangat di gemari dan populer karena bentuk donat itu sendiri yang mudah dikenali yaitu dengan lubang di bagian tengah kue tersebut. Kue ini juga sangat digemari oleh semua umur mulai dari anak-anak sampai orang dewasa. Salah satu yang…

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More Pattern Play (and $100 L&S Give Away!)
More Pattern Play (and $100 L&S Give Away!)

L&S Fabrics is giving away another $100 gift certificate! (Also - did you hear they are running a sale through the end of the month? 20% off with the coupon code LSFABRICS FIRST) They have some really awesome new fabric patterns, most ranging from $10-$35 per yard. It was easy to pull together fabri…

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Cara Mengawetkan Bahan
Cara Mengawetkan Bahan

Cara Mengawetkan Bahan1.Agar bunga tak cepat layu di vas bungaMasukkan acelasol dalam vas bunga, kemudian dimasukkan air. Bunga di potong batangnya, ujungnya dimasukkan ke dalam vas tersebut.2.Mengawetkan kayuCelupkan atau oleskan dengan larutan Natrium Florida ( 2 bagian ) dan air ( 98 bagian / 1li…

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Membuat Sabun Colex
Membuat Sabun Colex

Membuat Sabun ColexBahan:1.Marlon                     200 gram2.CMC                         25 gram3.Soda ASH                 50 cm4.STTP                         50 gram5.Caustik soda              15 gram6.OBA/pemutih             15 gram7.Air bersih                   1,5 liter8.Kesumba warna        …

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Simple Hints On New Innovative Business Ideas
Simple Hints On New Innovative Business Ideas

More often than not, most business ideas have already been tried and tested by other individuals. Thinking outside the box can have great rewards for entrepreneurs. A lot of big businesses today grew from small beginnings because they use new innovative business ideas. A few examples of these are Go…

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Thank You
Thank You

Hi friends,Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, for all the well-wishes, comments, tweets, texts, emails and phone calls. I feel surrounded by your love and support.I am home now, kissing and holding my little ones, feeling so thankful things didn't turn out worse then they did. I'm hoping on…

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Update on Jenny
Update on Jenny

Hi, guys. On Saturday Jenny was admitted to the ICU for tetanus poisoning. She is hanging in there and getting a little better each day but could use your good thoughts and prayers right now. She thinks she'll be back and at it in no time, but we appreciate your patience and support while the realit…

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DIY Whiteboard Calendar
DIY Whiteboard Calendar

This content series is in partnership with smartwater. smartwater, simplicity is delicious. Click here to learn more.I always think it's a good idea to go out of your way to do or buy things that help you stay more organized and on top of your life. We've been chugging right along with these home p…

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