Goodbye, New York
Goodbye, New York

Greetings from a cave of moving boxes! We are slowly but surely packing up the brownstone. The truck arrives bright and early tomorrow morning and our flight leaves in the evening. The count down has begun. I'm feeling good.A couple weeks ago though I was having major, major second thoughts about ou…

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Valley House Tour: The Mud Room
Valley House Tour: The Mud Room

At the end of the hallway past the kitchen pantry, is a bright, open storage space that we've been calling the mud room.Right now there is no interior door access to the garage (you have to walk out this door here and about the three steps outside to the right is the exterior door to the garage - an…

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New Hair!!! (and a sneak peek of our master bath)
New Hair!!! (and a sneak peek of our master bath)

A couple weeks ago when we were in Phoenix and it was (seriously) 112 degrees, I thought to myself, "Your long hair must go. Like, now."I have been growing my hair out for a couple years, but I've been bored with it lately. I'm not one to get attached to my hair, and it seems like lots of people are…

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Valley House Tour: The Kitchen
Valley House Tour: The Kitchen

Oh, the kitchen.Ever since moving to our little townhouse in Cambridge almost a decade ago, I've dealt with cooking in tiny kitchens. I cooked a Thanksgiving dinner for 20 in a mini oven the size of one cookie sheet exactly. Only one rack! That goes on my list of proudest accomplishments. :)Our kitc…

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