The gold option is especially exciting to me. It made me remember this wall in the Kate Spade store on Broome. Shiny gold stripes! Can't you imagine this in a powder bath? It would be a pretty cheap project too. Seems like you could get 14 or so full wall-length stripes for about $20, right? Not bad.
It's Called Dura-Lar
Hey, good news! I made some phone calls and tracked down the name of the silver sticky paper I used for my lamp shade liner in yesterday post. It's called Dura-Lar and it's about $7 a yard (27" wide) and it's available in both silver and gold.

The gold option is especially exciting to me. It made me remember this wall in the Kate Spade store on Broome. Shiny gold stripes! Can't you imagine this in a powder bath? It would be a pretty cheap project too. Seems like you could get 14 or so full wall-length stripes for about $20, right? Not bad.

The gold option is especially exciting to me. It made me remember this wall in the Kate Spade store on Broome. Shiny gold stripes! Can't you imagine this in a powder bath? It would be a pretty cheap project too. Seems like you could get 14 or so full wall-length stripes for about $20, right? Not bad.