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Thanks for your patience with my light posting this week. It's been a rough one, but we're on the mend and I think this weekend we'll be ready to get out and get some desperately needed fresh air!

I loved reading your feedback on the dresser handles. I think I'm going to try salvaging the zigzag handles and see how I like them when they are nice and shiny again. Lots of people commented that they're sick of seeing ring pulls everywhere, which surprised me! I think they are such a classic design element I doubt I could ever get sick of seeing them.

Another thing I won't get sick of? Tufted headboards! :) I've been working on my bedroom redo. We have this bed still, but really our bedroom is too small for a footboard. I'd rather trade that floor space in for a narrow bench this one (DIY on the way!).

House and Home

Since I'm trading in our bed frame for just a headboard I think I want to do a tufted version here. I'm debating between lots of small tufting...


Or more spaced out tufting with a rounded shape.


Either way I'm planning on doing velvet. Maybe leather on the bench?

I spied this green headboard on Pinterest yesterday (follow me here). I'm in love! Wouldn't this color be amazing?

this month's House Beautiful

Here's hoping today is our last sick day! Lots to get done!

I hope you have a great one! xoxo

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