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Michael and I both had business trips scheduled in Arizona this month so we decided to move things around and travel together at the same time. We brought Evie along with us which declared this trip decidedly unromantic, but 100% more cute. She charmed just about every person on our flight last night, which was no easy feat since our flight was delayed twice followed by an hour of sitting on the tarmac before take off. I'm excited to give her some extra attention over the next few days. So far she's loving room service and sleeping in a Queen bed all by herself. :)

One of the things I'm doing while we're out here is meeting with a long-time client who has this exact vintage burlwood dining table. I'm unbelievably jealous of it. I do like having a round table, but sometimes I miss having a really, really long dining table where you can spread out a bit.

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Angie Hranowsky - How crazy good is that wallpaper-light fixture combo?!

Anyway, we're going chair shopping while I'm in town. My client needs something for an event she's hosting at her house in less than two weeks, so we're really limited with options. Cross your fingers for us! :)